Waiting for Christmas (En attendant Noel)
Benoit di Sabatino's   cartoon serie (26 x 2'30") 1995
Production : Antefilms, France 3, INA
Musical publisher : Universal Music Publishing 
Distribution broadcast : Moonscoop, TV France International
(piano, chamber orchestra and percussions)

The adventures of three facetious sprites, Pistou, Fifou, Rondo and Santa Claus.

I never imagined to compose music for cartoons. I had, as everyone, enjoyed with great pleasure the Studio Disney's works of art. After our successfull first collaboration on In the picture (Au coeur des Toiles), Benoit di Sabatino suggests me moving on to this series. He asks me to illustrate 25 cartoons serie punctuating every day of the Christmas calendar with a music inspired by the Serguei Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf. From a story imagined with Didier Lejeune, characters are drawn by Alexandre Sanders. As beginners, we leave then in the crazy adventure of a cartoon creation, but we are not afraid about this. Following numerous nights locked on our computers screens, the TV series has been a success and diffused on TV France 3 for Christmas 1995. It gained ground on the whole world channels and networks.

Next year, with these same characters, we created the suite of the story, The Christmas pirates.

These very short pieces have been adapted in concert version by the composer himself and a piano version is expected in the coming years. Any levels orchestras can have a series of comic works which can accompany funny character scenes. All the works being of a homogeneous invoice and organizes in modules, it is very easy to worry assemblies and dismantling according to the contingencies of a spectacle.

 1. Le concours de jouet 1'16"
 2. Musique   57"
 3. Une histoire a dormir debout 1'20"
 4. Le camion de pompiers 1'12"
 5. Le cadeau d'Alaska 1'10"
 6. Une lettre trop longue 1'07"
 7. L'arbre a caprices 1'09"
 8. Un jouet rigolo   55"
 9. A la recherche d'une idee 1'10"
 10. Le cadeau surprise 1'07"
 11. Une merveilleuse nouvelle 1'01"
 12. Le caprice des lutins 1'11"
 13. L'oiseau curieux 1'00"
 14. Tel est pris 1'04"
 15. Le sapin de Noel 1'09"
 16. Le Pere Noel est enrhume 1'02"
 17. Invisibilibus 1'11"
 18. Une de perdue, trois de retrouvees 1'04"
 19. Un sport de glisse 1'09"
 20. La mouche et la toupie 1'04"
 21. De mysterieuses pierres 1'10"
 22. Nuit d'orage 1'29"
 23. Grimoire a memoire 1'07"
 24. Ou sont les cadeaux ? 1'13"
 25. Des cadeaux pour tout le monde 1'12"